Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31st 2012


It's as though the part of me that is a "journal writer" is a good friend that comes and goes. Luckily, the visits are always nice and my "audience" in journal writing is myself, so no one is left waiting.

So here we are, January once again, and Costa Rica still. My declaration to be focused on family has played out well. Fitness has come with walking, but life has gotten busy and surfing has been put on hold. Finally though, my board is in the shop getting the hole repaired and I won't be able to resist it once it is back in sight. Learning to surf once again will be, yet again, a joyful experience!

In June I felt anxious about waiting, "doing nothing", but I embraced that and grew and am growing. Today we are riding a wave! In fact I have lots of program writing to be doing at this moment, yet if I were to take every second as an opportunity to "work" I would have learned nothing from the forced time of quiet and peaceful meditation on life. We all need those times throughout our lives and are given them in phases it seems. Most of us have difficulty recognizing it as a blessing, but rather we see it as being "stuck"; not sure which way to turn now? Like a fork in the road. If I were the scare crow you came across down your yellow brick road, I might suggest just waiting to see which road presents itself to your heart... that is "if I only had a brain". And he does go on and on about "whiling away the hours", "conversing with the flowers" and sitting just to think! HA! Just imagine if the whole world moved a tad bit slower and took time to sit in quiet meditation.... we just might receive the blessings awaiting our pause!